
It's worth booking with us!

★ A direct booking on our website is always 8 euros / night cheaper than with other online portals

★ Cancellation free of charge in the early and late season up to 2 days before arrival

★ Savings offer “Aquarius’s Tender Temptation”

★ Located directly on Lake Chiemsee

Golfregion Chiemsee-Chiemgau-Alpenland

The Chiemsee Golfcard:

11 places to choose - Play four places of your choice for 270.- € green fee

With the Chiemsee Golfcard you will be able to explore many golf courses around the Chiemsee: you pay a reduced green fee of only 270.- € in four places, which you can choose from twelve places.

With the Chiemsee Golfcard you will be able to explore many golf courses around the Chiemsee: you pay a reduced green fee of only 270.- € in four places, which you can choose from twelve places.Whether beginners or professional golfers, a relaxing afternoon or a challenging golfing match, the nine different courts offer the right offer for every player. Extra charge for VcG-members, week-end-charge and minimum-trunk-stipulation should ask directly at the respective golf course.

The Chiemsee Golf Card is available at the Kur- und Tourismusbüro Prien, as well as at the participating golf courses. Just send an e-mail and you will receive the personal Golfcard by invoice. For further information, contact the Kur- und Tourismusbüro Prien.
Contact: Kur- und Tourismusbüro Prien Alte Rathausstrasse 11, 83209 Prien, phone 08051-6905-0, fax 08051-6905-40, e-Mail info@tourismus.prien.de, Homepage: www.tourismus.prien.de, Homepage Chiemsee Golfcard: www.golfcard-chiemsee.de

Here you can download our GolfCard brochure and download it online .

The courses: Chiemsee Golfclub Prien e.V., Golfclub Höslwang im Chiemgau e.V. Golfclub Mangfalltal e.V., Golfclub Schloss Maxlrain e.V., Golfclub Reit im Winkl e.V. Kössen, Golfclub Ruhpolding e.V., Golfclub Schloss Elkofen e.V., Golfclub at Obinger See / Ratcliffe GmbH, Golfclub Chieming Chiemgau e.V., Golfclub Berchtesgadener Land e.V., Golf Resort Achental GmbH; GC Anthal-Waginger See

Golfing area Chiemsee-Chiemgau

The Chiemsee Golf Card

11 courses to choose - Play four places of their choice for 270.- € Greenfee

Chiemsee Golf Club Prien

Chiemsee Golf Club Prien e.V.

High above the Bavarian Sea, the course offers hilly and at the same time very varied playgrounds.

Golf Club Höslwang

Golf Club Höslwang im Chiemgau e.V.

Perfectly in the foothills of the Alps embedded fairways.

Golfclub Mangfalltal

Golfclub Mangfalltal e.V.

Arrive. Feel good. Golf.

Golfclub Schloss Maxlrain

Golfclub Schloss Maxlrain e.V.

The 140 hectare golf course is situated in the pre-Alpine landscape.

Golf club Reit im Winkl - Kössen

Golf club Reit im Winkl e.V. - Kössen

Six of the 18 holes are in Tirol and twelve in Bavaria.

Golf Club Ruhpolding

Golf Club Ruhpolding e.V.

With plenty of sunshine, even in autumn, are the 18 tracks on a criss-crossed by streams and ditches 86 hectares.

The Golf Club at Lake Obinger

The Golf Club at Lake Obinger

A place in the style of American golf courses of the century.

Golf-Club Chieming

Golfclub im Chiemgau Chieming e.V.

A 1983, designed by the renowned golf course architect Dudok van Heel championship course.

Golfclub Berchtesgadener Land

Golfclub Berchtesgadener Land e.V.

Golfclub Berchtesgaden Golf a special kind of challenge

Golf Resort Achental

18 holes- Golf Resort Achental

High above the Bavarian sea, the place hilly but very varied fairways.

Golf-Club Schloss Elkofen

Golf-Club Schloss Elkofen e.V.

Half an hour without traffic jams towards the east of Munich and you can start your getaway.

Golf Academy Chieming

Golf Academy Golf Course Chieming

The Golf Academy offers golf courses for beginners and advanced golfers.


STRAWBERRY TOUR - Every day a new club

Every day a new golf club!

Ising Golf Club with golf academy

Golfclub Ising with golf academy

If you want to play 18 holes, it is necessary to book two start times

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