
It's worth booking with us!

★ A direct booking on our website is always 8 euros / night cheaper than with other online portals

★ Cancellation free of charge in the early and late season up to 2 days before arrival

★ Savings offer “Aquarius’s Tender Temptation”

★ Located directly on Lake Chiemsee

General Terms and Conditions

Seehotel Wassermann, Peter Stocker e.K., Ludwig-Thoma-Str. 1, 83358 Seebruck

  1. If a hotel room is ordered, confirmed or made available, a guest accommodation contract / rental contract is concluded. This also applies to reservations made verbally. The contract for a hotel room basically includes the overnight stay with breakfast and, if necessary, a gourmet menu. The agreed fee is the currently valid daily price.
  2. The conclusion of the guest accommodation contract / rental contract obliges the
    Contractual partner for the entire duration of the contract to fulfill the contract.
  3. Option bookings are binding for both contractual partners. The hotel reserves the right to
    to reassign the reserved hotel rooms after the option bookings have expired.
  4. If advance payments requested by the hotel are not made by the requested date, this immediately releases the hotel from any contractual agreements made.
  5. The reserved hotel room is available to the guest on the day of arrival from 3 p.m. to 10.30 a.m. on the day of departure. Late departure after 10.30 a.m. requires prior agreement with the reception desk the evening before. If you leave after 10.30 a.m., the current daily room price can be calculated.
  6. The contractual partner is not entitled to specific hotel rooms. If the agreed hotel rooms, for whatever reason, are not available in exceptional cases, the hotel will endeavor to find a replacement of the same or higher value.
  7. For changes and cancellations (cancellation) of booked hotel rooms:

    In the pre- and post-season of each year:
    Cancellation up to 2 days before arrival is free of charge. In the event of later cancellation or no-show, we charge 80%. This applies to the overnight rate and only if we cannot rent the room to someone else.

    In the season of each year:
    Cancellation up to 14 days before arrival is free of charge. Up to 7 days before arrival we charge 50% and for later cancellations 80%. This applies to the room rate and only if we cannot rent the room to someone else.

    In the main season of each year:
    Cancellation up to 28 days before arrival is free of charge. Up to 14 days before arrival we charge 50%, up to 7 days before arrival 70% and in the case of later cancellation 80%.
    This applies to the room rate and only if we cannot rent the room to someone else.
    For group bookings, our contractual conditions for group travel or written individual agreements apply.
  8. The guest reserves the right to prove that the hotel has not used it
    the service did not suffer any damage or damage less than that agreed.
  9. If the customer is not the organizer at the same time, both are jointly and severally liable.
  10. If the hotel has justified reason to believe that an event threatens smooth business operations, the security or the reputation of the hotel or the guests, and in the event of force majeure, it can cancel the event; the assertion of any claims for damages against the hotel is excluded.
  11. The contractual partner is fully liable to the hotel for damage caused by himself, his vicarious agents or his guests, to the building and inventory, unless the contractual partner can provide evidence of lesser damage.
  12. Insofar as the hotel arranges third-party services of technical, decorative or other kind for the organizer, it acts in the name of and for the account of the organizer. The contractual partner is liable for the careful handling and proper return of these items and releases the hotel from all claims by third parties.
  13. AInvoices sent on the basis of previous credit agreements are payable without deduction within 14 working days of receipt of the invoice. In the event of default in payment, the hotel will offset dunning costs and the costs of debt collection.
  14. Payment in cash, by EC card, MasterCard, Visa, bank transfer or PayPal
  15. The hotel accepts the following credit cards: MasterCard, Visa. But only for amounts that are neither subject to a commission claim nor a special price. In individual cases, the hotel is entitled to reject foreign currency, checks and credit cards. A commission adjustment of 5% is levied on expenses and third-party services when paid by credit card.
  16. If the period between the conclusion of the contract and the provision of services exceeds 180 days, then reserves the right the hotel reserves the right to make price changes within the customary framework without prior notice.
  17. All prices are in euros, including service charge and VAT. An increase in value added tax or the introduction of a beverage tax are at the expense of the service recipient regardless of the time at which the contract is concluded.
  18. Unused services from hotel offers will not be reimbursed.
  19. Faults in the technical or other equipment made available will, as far as possible, be eliminated immediately. However, payments cannot be withheld or reduced. Offsetting against counterclaims is excluded, unless the counterclaims are undisputed and have been legally established.
  20. Valuables, money or paper of value (checks, check cards, etc.) must be kept in the room safe or in the central safe at the reception. If these are not kept there, the hotel assumes no liability for them.
  21. The hotel endeavors to carry out wake-up calls with the greatest care; Claims for damages due to omission are excluded.
  22. Items left behind will only be forwarded on request against reimbursement of postage costs. The hotel undertakes to keep them for 12 months.
  23. Messages intended for guests as well as mail and merchandise deliveries are handled with care. The hotel takes care of the safekeeping; Delivery and, on request, carriage forward of the same. However, liability for loss, delay or damage is excluded.
  24. Subsidiary agreements must be made in writing. The ineffectiveness of individual provisions of the contract or the conditions do not affect the validity of the other provisions. Instead of the invalid provisions, a valid provision that comes as close as possible applies.
  25. The place of performance and exclusive place of jurisdiction is Traunstein if the customer is a registered trader, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, or if the customer does not have a general place of jurisdiction in the Federal Republic of Germany.

    Status: 05/2018






  1. ufgrund vorheriger Kreditvereinbarungen übersandte Rechnungen sind innerhalb von 14 Arbeitstagen nach Rechnungserhalt ohne Abzug zahlbar. Bei Zahlungsverzug verrechnet das Hotel Mahnkosten und Kosten der Forderungseinziehung. 
  2. Bezahlung in bar, per EC-Karte, MasterCard, Visa, Überweisung oder PayPal
  3. Das Hotel akzeptiert folgende Kreditkarten: MasterCard, Visa. Aber nur bei Beträgen, die weder einer Provisionsforderung noch einem Sonderpreis unterliegen. Das Hotel ist im Einzelfalle berechtigt, Devisen, Schecks und Kreditkarten zurückzuweisen. Auf Auslagen und Fremdleistungen wird bei Begleichung durch Kreditkarten ein Provisionsausgleich von 5 % erhoben.
  4. Überschreitet der Zeitraum zwischen Vertragsabschluß und Leistungsbereitstellung 180 Tage, so behält sich
    das Hotel das Recht vor, Preisänderungen im üblichen Rahmen ohne vorherige Ankündigung vorzunehmen.
  5. Alle Preise verstehen sich in Euro, einschließlich Bedienungsgeld und Mehrwertsteuer. Eine Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer, bzw. die Einführung einer Getränkesteuer gehen unabhängig vom Zeitpunkt des Vertragsabschlußes zu Lasten des Leistungsnehmers.
  6. Nicht in Anspruch genommene Leistungen aus Hotelangeboten werden nicht zurückerstattet. 
  7. Störungen an zur Verfügung gestellten technischen oder sonstigen Einrichtungen werden, soweit möglich, sofort beseitigt. Eine Zurückbehaltung oder Minderung von Zahlungen kann jedoch nicht vorgenommen werden. Eine Aufrechnung mit Gegenansprüchen ist ausgeschlossen, es sei denn, die Gegenansprüche sind unstreitig und rechtskräftig festgestellt.
  8. Wertgegenstände, Geld oder geldwerte Papiere (Schecks, Scheckkarten etc.) sind im Zimmersafe oder im Zentralsafe an der Rezeption aufzubewahren. Falls diese nicht dort verwahrt werden, übernimmt das Hotel dafür keinerlei Haftung.
  9. Das Hotel ist bemüht, Weckaufträge mit größter Sorgfalt auszuführen;
    Schadensersatzansprüche aus Unterlassung sind jedoch ausgeschlossen.
  10. Liegengebliebene Gegenstände werden nur auf Anfrage gegen Erstattung der Portokosten nachgesandt.
    Das Hotel verpflichtet sich zu einer Aufbewahrung von 12 Monaten.
  11. Für Gäste bestimmte Nachrichten sowie Post- und Warensendungen werden mit Sorgfalt behandelt. Das Hotel übernimmt die Aufbewahrung; Zustellung und auf Wunsch die unfreie Nachsendung derselben. Eine Haftung für Verlust, Verzögerung oder Beschädigung ist jedoch ausgeschlossen.
  12. Nebenabreden bedürfen der Schriftform. Die Unwirksamkeit einzelner Bestimmungen des Vertrages oder der Bedingungen berühren nicht die Gültigkeit der anderen Bestimmungen. Anstelle der ungültigen Bestimmungen gilt eine ihr möglichst nahe kommende gültige Bestimmung.
  13. Erfüllungsort und ausschließlicher Gerichtsstand ist Traunstein, wenn es sich bei dem Besteller um einen Vollkaufmann, eine juristische Person des öffentlichen Rechts bzw. ein öffentlich-rechtliches Sondervermögen handelt oder wenn der Besteller in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland keinen allgemeinen Gerichtsstand hat.
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